Panic Bot Games
Based in Los Angeles, California

Website: Off Shore

Press / Business Contact: doug_holder@panicbot.games

Social: @dougmakesgames


Off Shore is a first person survival horror game that takes place in a derelict decommissioned lighthouse. Players will use unique mechanics to solve puzzles and avoid a dangerous threat lurking within. The game is inspired by modern survival horror games like Resident Evil 7 and Outlast. Players won’t have access to firearms or things of that nature so they’ll need to tread carefully as they move about the lighthouse.

When players begin the game they won’t know who they are or how they got there, only that they need to be rescued but something within the lighthouse is preventing them from escaping. They will also uncover the history of the lighthouse and what happened to the most recent inhabitants.

A demo for the game is currently available for players to try out!